Title: Suman Malik Repo: A Journey Through Code

Suman Malik
2 min readSep 8, 2023


I am Suman Malik, but in the vast digital realm, I’m known as Suman Malik Repo. My journey into the world of web development began with a curiosity for the intricate language of the internet.

From a young age, I was drawn to computers and their limitless potential. It was during my early years in school that I discovered my passion for coding. HTML and CSS became my canvas, and JavaScript my brush, as I delved into the world of web development.

Suman Malik Repo | Suman Malik | Founder of Parolim | CEO in Parolim | Businessman | Entrepreneur| Indian
Suman Malik Repo | Suman Malik | Founder of Parolim | CEO in Parolim | Businessman | Entrepreneur| Indian

Over time, I honed my skills and transformed into a master of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These languages became my playground, allowing me to create websites that blended functionality with aesthetics seamlessly. Each line of code was a stroke of creativity, and every project was a testament to my dedication.

But my thirst for knowledge didn’t stop there. I ventured into the realm of Java, driven by the desire to explore the vast landscape of software development. Java became my new muse, and I embarked on a journey to master this versatile language. With Java in my toolkit, I could develop powerful software solutions that transcended the boundaries of the web.

Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of working on a variety of projects, each presenting its own unique challenges and opportunities. From crafting elegant websites for small businesses to developing robust software applications for large enterprises, I’ve been fortunate to contribute my skills to diverse projects that have expanded my horizons.

My journey as Suman Malik Repo has been a thrilling ride through the ever-evolving world of technology. With every line of code I write, I strive to push the boundaries of what is possible and to create digital experiences that captivate and inspire. As I continue on this path, I am excited to see where the ever-changing landscape of web development and software engineering will take me next.

