Suman Malik : Make your path

Suman Malik
3 min readSep 16, 2023


Hello, fellow bloggers and aspiring web developers! Today, I want to share my personal journey as a student navigating the intricate world of web development. As someone who’s passionate about both blogging and web development, I’ve found that these two worlds can beautifully intersect. In this blog post, I’ll take you through my experiences, challenges, and triumphs as I pursue my dream of becoming a skilled web developer while maintaining my blogger identity.

The Beginning: A Curious Mind

Like many students, my journey into web development began with a healthy dose of curiosity. I was drawn to the allure of creating websites from scratch, making them look aesthetically pleasing, and, most importantly, ensuring they functioned seamlessly. This curiosity propelled me to explore various online resources, tutorials, and courses to get a grasp of the fundamentals.

1. Learning the Basics

To start my journey, I needed to understand the core technologies of web development. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript became my companions as I delved into the world of markup languages, styling, and dynamic functionality. As a blogger, these skills allowed me to create a website that truly reflected my personality and brand. I could design a visually appealing blog that attracted readers while delivering a smooth user experience.

2. Choosing the Right Tools

As a student, I quickly realized that selecting the right tools and frameworks could significantly streamline my development process. I experimented with various text editors, integrated development environments (IDEs), and version control systems to find what worked best for me. Ultimately, the choice of tools is a personal one, and it’s essential to pick the ones that align with your workflow and preferences.

3. Embracing Challenges

Web development is not without its challenges. I encountered numerous roadblocks along the way, from debugging complex JavaScript code to ensuring cross-browser compatibility. However, these challenges are invaluable learning opportunities. Each problem I solved made me a more capable web developer and a more resilient blogger.

4. Staying Updated

The field of web development is constantly evolving. New technologies, frameworks, and best practices emerge regularly. To stay relevant, I dedicated time to continuous learning. Subscribing to newsletters, following industry blogs, and attending web development conferences helped me keep my skills up to date and inspired fresh ideas for my blog content.

The Synergy of Blogging and Web Development

As I continued my journey in web development, I discovered that my skills as a blogger could complement my role as a web developer in numerous ways:

1. Content Creation

Blogging taught me the art of content creation. I could use my writing skills to craft engaging blog posts about web development topics, sharing my knowledge and experiences with my audience.

2. SEO Optimization

Understanding search engine optimization (SEO) principles from my blogging experience allowed me to optimize my web development projects for better visibility and traffic.

3. User Experience (UX)

Blogging helped me appreciate the importance of a seamless user experience. I applied these insights to create web applications and websites that provided exceptional usability and engagement.

Point Of View

My journey as a student, blogger, and web developer has been both challenging and rewarding. Through continuous learning, embracing challenges, and finding synergy between my blogging and web development pursuits, I’ve been able to craft websites that reflect my creativity while providing value to my audience. If you’re a student with similar passions, I encourage you to embark on your own web development journey. It’s a path filled with endless opportunities for growth, creativity, and success.

Remember, the key to mastering web development, just like blogging, is perseverance and a genuine passion for what you do. So, keep coding, keep writing, and keep growing as both a developer and a blogger. Your journey is bound to be as exciting and fulfilling as mine has been.

